Downers Grove Liens

Your life could take a dramatic turn if you have neglected to pay your taxes. A lien gives the IRS the legal right to collect taxes from selling your assets. Jones, Savarese, Harrington & Company is here to resolve your tax problems, including Downers Grove liens.

We are committed to helping you find a solution to your tax debt. Everyone’s lien situation is different, and customized services are a must. We understand that liens can destroy lives, and the IRS is ruthless in collecting what is owed to them.

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Resolving Your IRS Liens

The lien can be against you, your spouse, or your company. An IRS lien against your business will seize your accounts receivable. At this point, everything you own is just one short step away from becoming the property of the United States Government.

Liens also appear on your credit report and often prevent you from opening a checking account or borrowing against any assets, like your home. With a federal tax lien on your record, you can’t get a reasonable loan for large purchases like a car. Imagine paying 18 to 22 percent interest on a vehicle that is already putting a strain on your budget. A practical yet efficient solution is necessary with so much on the line.

Additional Downers Grove Tax Services

Liens and other tax issues will not just go away by themselves. We are dedicated to helping you with your IRS concerns. JSH offers legitimate tax strategies to help get you back on track with the IRS. Our goal is to ensure that you incur the lowest tax liability legally possible. Our team will analyze your finances and develop a strategy to improve your situation quickly.

Tax Prep

Leave the tax prep to the professionals at JSH. As your Downers Grove accountant, we keep up with the latest changes to the tax code. You can ensure your taxes are accurately prepared and get the best possible refund.

Tax Planning

Everyone has their own financial goals. How you plan out your taxes can get you a step closer to what you want to accomplish. Our team takes the time to understand your tax-related goals and create an in-depth tax plan.

Ready to talk?

Give us a call or email us to set up your business consultation today!