Carol Stream IRS Audit Representation
Jones, Savarese, Harrington & Company provide Carol Stream IRS audit representation. Our CPA team can provide the knowledge and guidance needed to help you through the audit process. We are qualified to represent you in front of the IRS and will review and prepare your financial records to help negotiate the lowest settlement possible.
Being contacted by the IRS for an audit can invoke immediate feelings of stress, panic, and uncertainty. If you have already received an audit notice, you must act quickly. It’s crucial that you promptly contact a professional who can take on your complex tax issues during this uncertain time.
Being audited does not necessarily imply there’s a problem. The IRS conducts audits on taxpayers to ensure they are reporting information accurately and following applicable tax laws. We understand that it can be intimidating but look at it as a formal review of a tax return.
Your tax circumstances may be atypical, or you may own a business that mostly deals with cash transactions. You may have an unusual deduction that the IRS wants to review in more detail. Unfortunately, the IRS requires you to gather mounds of records substantiating every item reported on your tax return. It is a big undertaking for any taxpayer, and it’s not recommended that you do it alone.
Professional Representation
JSH is your trusted source for Carol Stream IRS tax representation. Our accountants specialize in all forms of tax problem resolution with an emphasis on IRS audit representation. We know how to deal with the IRS, and we’ve helped many taxpayers get through an IRS audit with minimal financial consequences. Suppose you do end up owing some back taxes. In that case, we can find ways to reduce tax penalties and arrange for an affordable payment plan like an installment agreement.
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